Presidential Endorsement

Normally, I would try to leave politics off this blog and keep my vote to myself as far as elections go, but what happens in the next week and a half is far too important to stay on the sidelines.  The United States is at a crossroads, ladies and gentlemen.  In a week and half, on November 3rd, a choice will be made for the President of the United States of America.  We all have to decide what path this great nation of ours will follow.  Over the past 4 years, the United States has been run by an unhinged and self-deluded man who has done nothing but erode our standing in the world.  By rolling back many of President Obama’s policies, Donald Trump has made things a lot worse for the American people, especially those that are not as well-off as others.  Trump has attempted time and time again to eliminate the Affordable Care Act which has allowed more than 20 million people to gain access to health care that they wouldn’t have been able to otherwise.  He has promised to replace Obamacare with something greater.  He’s been saying that for 4 years and has never delivered.  He and his “people” have illegally cracked down on immigrants by separating the children from their parents who came here in search of a better life.  Those children were and are still being kept in cages while the parents were deported.  Currently, lawmakers are unable to find the parents of 545 children who separated, which means that most of these children may never see their parents again.  It is a clear and blatant violation of human rights and international law.

This year, the world got hit with the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu of 1918.  While many countries around the world including New Zealand have done their part to lockdown and maintain social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the government and President of the United States has constantly downplayed the seriousness of this virus and have even threatened and bullied the CDC into doing and saying what they want.  Because of Trump’s arrogance and denial of science and proper safety protocols, over 200,000 American lives have been lost and millions more infected.  This pandemic has also caused many people to become unemployed.  Trump is continuously annoyed that news sources and social media are focusing on the pandemic.  His constant argument that CNN, MSNBC, and other news sources are “fake news,” has only added to the chaos that has afflicted this country of ours.  While people are continuing to suffer, Trump and his cronies are still trying to dismantle Obamacare and the Senate is pushing to fill Supreme Court seat with Amy Coney Barrett, a highly conservative judge with a record of being anti-Obamacare.  This administration has shown time and time again that it thinks that it is above the law and Trump is continuously trying to profit from his position.  Trump himself contracted the COVID-19 virus, but he hasn’t learned one thing from it.  In fact, he’s doubled-down on his lies that he’s immune and continuously insults the experts who know better.

Trump is also on record calling members of our armed services “suckers and losers.”  How many of us have had members of our families serving in the armed forces?  How does that statement resonate with you?  It’s not just COVID-19 that’s adding to the chaos.  Trump and his friends have put in people to try and suppress people’s right to vote, by attacking our postal service and attempting to intimidate voters by appealing to terrorist organizations like the Proud Boys or the Oath Keepers.  However, there is hope.   Over the past couple of weeks we’ve seen a massive turnout in terms of early voting.  Over 50 million Americans have voted early resulting in one of the largest voting turnouts in American history.  While voting suppression is real in many states across the country and we see long lines that last hours on end, it’s not deterring people from voting.  Not even the threat of white supremacist and terrorist organizations are keeping people from exercising their right.  The polls across the country show that Joe Biden is in the lead in key states.  However: We must remain ever vigilant.  We’ve seen numbers that looked like that Trump wouldn’t win the election in 2016 and yet, we ended up with the worst and most corrupt president in the history of this nation, a nation that our fathers and grandfathers have fought and died for.

We ARE at a crossroads, ladies and gentlemen.  What we do in the next week and a half will determine the path that this country will follow for decades.  Will we choose a path that will lead our country further into chaos, corruption, hate and fear?  Or will we work together to choose a path that leads us to a future filled with hope, determination, truth, and justice?  These are the virtues and values that every person of every faith can embrace.  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have outlined plans to deal with the cornavirus, enhance Obamacare, raise the minimum wage, fix the economy, and restore our standing among our allies across the globe.  America has helped lead our allies to victory in two world wars and become a beacon of hope for millions around the world.  “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”  These words by Emma Lazarus are inscribed on the tablet on the Statue of Liberty in the great state of New York.  These words were a promise that this country has always struggled to fulfill.  We can fulfill that promise.  Together, we can become that beacon once again.  Because of the actions or inactions of our current administration, I have no choice but to endorse Joseph R. Biden, Jr for President of the United States and Kamala Harris for Vice President.  The Senate and the House are also a part of this system and we must vote accordingly.  The Senate, under the willfully weak leadership of Mitch McConnell has led this country further into ruin with his deliberate refusal to pass legislation that would benefit ALL Americans, not just Democrats.  By taking the Senate, the House AND the White House, we, as a people can usher in a brighter future for everyone.  Everyone.  Not just Americans, but for the people of the entire world.

November 3rd is judgment day for Donald Trump and his administration.  You don’t have to be a Democrat.  You don’t have to like Joe Biden or his policies.  This election is not about right or left.  It’s about right and wrong, and Trump has led us down the wrong path for 4 years.  We have to correct that course, so if you’ve never voted for a Democrat before, do it just this once.  This election is about justice and the rule of law.  It’s about responsibility and what it means to be an American.  Get out there and vote.  Do whatever it takes: In person or absentee/mail-in ballot.  Vote.  Make a difference and be proud of it.  Convince your friends and family members to vote if you can.  The future of our democracy depends on it.  Our future and the future of the free world depends on it.  Show the world that the United States of America can lead again.  The world will be watching.  Make them proud.  Make your families proud.  Make your country proud.  Make yourself proud.


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