Lone Survivor

Lone Survivor is based on actual events described in detail in the book of the same name by the only survivor of a Navy Seal team inserted behind enemy lines: Marcus Luttrell.  Obviously, spoilers will be unavoidable.

Released: January 2014

Director: Peter Berg

Run Time: 121 Minutes

Rated R

Mark Wahlberg: Marcus Luttrell
Ben Foster: Matt “Axe” Axelson
Taylor Kitsch: Michael Murphy
Emile Hirsch: Danny Dietz
Eric Bana: Erik Kristensen

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

The United States Special Forces contain some of the best and brightest that our armed forces have to offer.  From the Navy SEALS to Delta Force, these organizations train and house some of the best soldiers on earth.  These guys are sent in when something really needs to get done.  In the summer of 2005,  Operation Red Wings was put into effect to disrupt the activities of the local anti-coalition militia in Afghanistan.  Their main target was a man by the name of Ahmad Shah.  He was the leader of the pro-Taliban forces in the area.  A team of four Navy SEALS were inserted behind enemy lines to scout the area and locate the target.  Unfortunately, their position was compromised and they were ambushed by Shah’s militia.  LT. Michael Murphy, SO2 Matthew Axelson and SO2 Danny Dietz were killed in action in the ensuing firefight.  Only Navy Hospital Corpsman Second Class Marcus Luttrell survived.  16 other special forces soldiers were killed when their helicopter was hit by an RPG.  Lone Survivor is based on the first-hand account of Marcus Luttrell.

I’m going to avoid talking about the story of the film, because it was ripped right from the headlines.  Anything I say about Operation Red Wings is going to pale in comparison to the actual reports of what happened 9 years ago.  As with any film that’s based on real life, you are pretty much going to know the outcome going in.  Lone Survivor is not just a story about Marcus Luttrell, but also about the team he was a part of.  These were guys who were pretty normal folks with not so normal skill sets.  The relationship between these guys is simply put: brotherhood.  They were brothers, not by blood, but by circumstance.  The courage that these soldiers exhibit isn’t just in how they dealt with the firefight, but in their choice of occupation.  The training that Navy SEALS are required to go through is extraordinarily difficult and takes a person of equally extraordinary will-power and physical prowess to succeed.  In fact, at the very beginning of the movie you get to see some of this training.  It’s actual footage of real soldiers training to be SEALS.  The people who make it through this ordeal are changed forever in ways that we, as civilians, can never understand.  Like-wise, the way these guys related to each other and the way they fought together is something that only a person who has been through that hell can grasp.

It’s important in a film like this to show the relationship between the characters, especially during extreme situations.  It gives us a glimpse into a world that is pretty much hidden from the rest of us.  In order for it to work you have to have top-notch talent to really get that relationship right.  You have to understand, these characters were real people, who lived and died fighting as a team.  Mark Wahlberg inhabits the role of Marcus Luttrell, the only survivor.  Wahlberg is a fantastic actor, and he really does a good job here.  Taylor Kitsch surprises me here.  I never really though of Kitsch as that good of an actor, but he comes across as a bad-ass and a leader.  He really gets it right.  I’ve always dug Ben Foster as an actor.  He has a tendency to play some pretty quirky characters, but he always puts his best effort into them.  He disappears into the role like you wouldn’t believe.  Emile Hirsch plays Danny Dietz, the youngest member of the team.  Eric Bana plays LTCD Erik Kristensen.  Bana is reliable as always, and is usually a good choice for a role like this.  To get ready for Lone Survivor, the actors underwent grueling training course.  Not only that, but they also spent time with the families of the soldiers in that team.  They wanted to learn more about the soldiers that they were going to portray, and do their best to show that to audiences.  It’s clear that Lone Survivor was a special project for director Peter Berg, who first read Marcus Luttrell’s book while making Hancock.  It was important for him to really get it right, and I think he did a marvelous job.

This is a war movie, through and through.  The action is visceral and hard-hitting with some very spectacular stunt-work.  It was important for the filmmakers to show that these guys were caught in a no-win situation with no way out.  If they were going down, they were going to take as many of the Taliban with them as they could.  Despite knowing the outcome of the film, you can’t help but wanting these guys to be able to survive and make it home.  The tension throughout the battle is palpable and it has you on the edge of your seat.  Lone Survivor doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to the violence.

Lone Survivor is a story of courage and sacrifice.  These guys put everything on the line to protect our way of life from those who would see it destroyed.  I watched some of the special features on the DVD that I got, and it has interviews with the cast and crew.  It also has interviews with Marcus Luttrell and the family members of the soldiers that were killed in action.  It’s absolutely heart-breaking for the family members who have endured losses, but they also wanted this story told.  Putting that into context with the actual movie, it’s hard to sit through.  It’s emotional and inspirational at the same time.  As civilians, I don’t think that we truly understand what it really takes to defend our nation and the sacrifices that are required.  The ones who do understand are the families of those killed in action and the people who survive.  It is to those who gave their lives for our freedom and those that survived that I dedicate this post.  Marcus Luttrell established the Lone Survivor Foundation in 2010.  The intention was/is to provide the same kind of environment that helped heal Marcus.  More information can be found below.  Out of respect for the men and women who gave everything they had in service to this nation, I won’t give a score to this movie.  It’s a great movie, with excellent performances.  It needs to be seen at least once.  It’s an extraordinary story.  Putting a number to Lone Survivor just doesn’t feel right.

For more information regarding Operation Red Wings, The Lone Survivor Foundation, and Marcus Luttrell:

The Lone Survivor Foundation

Marcus Luttrell

Operation Red WingsThis is a Summary of Action on the operation.  This page is also part of the website made by the United States Navy to commemorate Lt. Michael P. Murphy’s service.  It’s worth taking a look.

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